Parenting with TEA

At Parenting with TEA, my mission is to make parenting “your cup of tea!” Something you desire and enjoy.

You are probably reading this because you want to enjoy your role as a parent, but somehow uncertain where to start, or how to reach your goals and dreams! You are one step away from getting the support you deserve; Parent coaching. By support I mean helping you to accept yourself and your children for who you are, to focus on connection, and to become confident in dealing with your children and any challenges they are going through. You will learn techniques and strategies scientifically proven, to help you meet your child’s developmental stages. Wait there is more! You will learn how to put yourself and self-care practices first, so you reach a state of inner peace, and become able to set clear goals and manage your time wisely to reach them.

So, who I am?

I’m Tuqa, and my life literally transformed on the day my twin boys were born! During the first two years of my motherhood, I knew that I need some support, but I was not able to name it and find it. One year later, when I decided to career shift and focus on helping parents, I came across the PCI model, and instantly I realized that this is what I needed back in time! A PCI coach, who is willing to listen, to help me see the positives and focus them, and more importantly to guide me on how to use my character strengths in overcoming parenting challenges.

I can also help you with becoming the parent your gifted child needs to fulfill their potential. I have Bachelors and Masters in Education; specifically, gifted and talented education and I have helped many parents and gifted children in schools on both academic and emotional levels. I am also a Qualified Registered Test User from the British Psychological Society in occupational and educational testing.

I am addicted to learning and to helping individuals become their best version of themselves.

My services are worldwide, contact me and get your complimentary 20 minute call to know more about how I can help you transform your life!

What Parents Say After Coaching With Me

Parent coaching with Tuqa was a special experience that I will never forget. Before the sessions I was living in chaos with lots of confusions. My relationship with my child was good but it got better after the sessions…I learned a lot about myself as a person and a mother; I discovered my strengths, learned time management, and how to accept and manage my own feelings for what serves me and my family best.

A distinctive, positive experience that has put my feet on ground! Now I’m more confident and stable. Thank you Tuqa.
My experience with parent coaching was exceptional and I would recommend all parents to go for it…Before the coaching, I was overwhelmed with dealing with many natural challenges related to my children’s age and development, but my expectations and the severity of those challenges caused instability and imbalance in me. After coaching I became more aware and accepting of those developmental challenges, my children and myself. I learned how to focus on the positives and the bright side in my family.
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